
FURBISH TO ENGLISH/ファービッシュ・トゥ・イングリッシュ
[+ POSSIBLE PHRASES/ポッシブル・フレーズ]


ay-ay = Look/See = 見える、目に入る
When the light gets brighter he may say. "Hey Kah/ay- ay/u-nye." (Hey, I see you.)

ah-may = Pet = なでる
To you he might say "ah-may/koh koh" [Pet me more!]

a-loh = Light = あかり、日
Furby may say "Dah/a-loh/u-tye" [Big light up] [Good morning.]

a-loh/may-lah = Cloud =

a-tay = Hungry/Eat = お腹すいた、食べる
And at lunch time "Kah/a-tay" [I'm hungry]

boh-bay = Worried = 心配している
If he gets jarred he may say. "Kah-dah/boh-bay." [I'm scared]

boo = No = いいえ
If you cover Furby's eyes, Furby might say "hey/kah/Boo/ayay/u-nye" [Hey, I don't see you]

dah = Big = 大きい、たくさん、とても
When he has really had a good time "Dah/doo-ay" [Big fun]

doo? = What?/Question? = 何?、質問は?
"a-loh/doo?" [where is the light?]

doo-ay = Fun = 楽しみ
If Furby really likes something he might say "dah/doo- ay/wah!" [Big fun!]

doo-moh = [Please feed me] = どうぞ、下さい
When Furby is hungry he might ask you to "Doo-moh/a-tay" [Please feed me]

e-day = Good = 良い

e-tah = Yes = はい

kah = Me = 私、ぼく

When Furby is happy you might hear "kah/may-may/u- nye" [I love you]

koh-koh = Again = もう1回、もっと

koo-doh = Heath = 健康

If Furby has a tummy ache he might say "Kah/boo/Koo- doh" [I'm not healthy]

Lee-Koo = Sound =
At a sudden noise he might say "Dah/lee-koo/wah!" [Loud sound!]

loo-loo = Joke = 冗談を言う、からかう
When you turn him upside down he might say "Hey/boo/loo-loo [Hey. No jokes]

may-may = Love = 好き
When Furby REALLY likes you he will say "Kah/may- may/u-nye" [I love you]

may-lah = Hug = 抱きしめる
or "Doo-moh/may-lah/kah" [Please hug me]

may-tah = Kiss = キスをする
Furby may ask for a kiss by saying "May-tah/kah" [Kiss me]

mee-mee = Very = 大変、非常に
At lunch time you might hear "Kah/mee-mee/a-tay" [I'm very hungry]

nah-bah = Down = 下へ、下がって
In the evening "Dah/a-loh/nah-bah" [Sun down ood night)]

nee-tye = Tickle = くすぐる
If Furby is bored he might ask you to "Nee-tye/kah" [Tickle me]

noh-lah = Dance = 踊る
It's party time! "Dah/noh-lah" [Big dance]

noo-loo = Happy = 楽しい、幸せ
When Furby is with his friends you might hear him say "Kah/mee mee/noo-loo/wah!" [I'm very happy!]

o-kay = OK = OK、よろしい

toh-dye = Done = 終わった

toh-loo = Like = 好き

If Furby is flirting he may say "Kah/toh-loo/may-tah" [I see you]

u-nye = You = あなた
Or playing hide and seek "Kah/ay-ay/u-nye" [I see you]

u-ty = Up = 上に、上がって
And when he thinks it s time to get up "Dah/a-loh/u-tye" [Sun up(Good Morning)]

wah! = Yeal/exclamation! = ああ!
When he is very hungry. "Hey/kah/mee-mee/ay-tay/wah!" [Hey, I'm very hungry!]

way-loh = Sleep = 寝る
If you wake Furby up and he is still tired. "Yawn/Kah/way- loh/koh-koh."[I'm sleeping more]

wee-tee = Sing = 歌う
At bedtime Furby might say: "Wee-tee/kah/way-loh" [Sing me to sleep]

ENGLISH TO FURBISH/イングリッシュ・トゥ・ファービッシュ
Again/More = koh-koh
Ask = oh-too-mah
Big = dah
Boogie/Dance = noh-lah
Cloud = a-loh/may-lah
Done = toh-dye
Down = Nah-bah
Fun = doo-ay
Good = e-day
Happy = noo-loo
Health = koo-doh
Hide = Who-bye
Hug = may-lah
Hungry = a-tay
Joke = loo-loo
Kiss = may-tah
Light = a-loh
Like = toh-loo
Listen = ay-ay/lee-koo
Love = may may
Maybe = may-bee
Me = kah
No = boo
OK = o-kay
Pet = ah-may
Please = doo-moh
Scared = dah/boh-bay
See = ay-ay
Sing = wee-tee
Sleep = way-loh
Sound = lee-koo
Sun = dah/a-loh
Tickle = nee-tye
Up = u-tye
Very = mee mee
Where? = doo?
Worry = boh-bay
Yeah! = wah!
Yes = e-tah
You = u-nye

FURBISH TO ENGLISH PHRASES/ファービッシュ・トゥ・イングリッシュ・フレーズ

Kah/toh-loo/may-tay = Me like kisses
Wee-tee/kah/way loh = Sing me to sleep
Kah/boolay-ay/u-nye  = I can't see you
Kah/a-tay = I'm hungry
Kah/toh-loo/moh-lah/wah! = I like to dance!
E-day/doo-ay/wah! =I like this!
Kah/mee-mee/a-tay =I very hungry
Nee-tye/kah = Tickle me
Boo/koo-doh/e-day = Don't feel good
o-too-mah = Ask